THE BOMB DOT COM 🇰🇷🇯🇵🇹🇼 – K-Pop + J-Pop + C-Pop playlist updated on a regular basis

Hello, guys!
As we've spoken about on our Twitter account (which we not only use for updating purposes, we also use it for disclaimers and recommendations, so just follow it already!!), our blog updates haven't been quite as consistent as before because Apple Music / iTunes Match services haven't been much of a help lately. Most of the files posted here come from matching lower quality files to the ones in the iTunes storage but lately that trick hasn't really worked for us. Therefore, the files we bring to you guys aren't coming as quickly as before. To be honest, I don't think there's a fix for that kind of situation, that's just how iTunes Match started to behave since late July. That's unfortunate but well, there's so much you can do when you're not even paying for these files per se.
On a brighter note, here's a playlist with the latest K-Pop, J-Pop and C-Pop music that I personally keep updated in sort of a chronological order that will also make sense when it comes to genres. These are basically the tracks I listen to the most. I hope you like this!
P.S. #1: The playlist name is stupid but it matches the artwork so I'm ok with it.
P.S. #2: Some tracks might not be available in your country. For example, Perfume's "If you wanna" single, which is included in this playlist, isn't available for streaming in some countries. Chara's "Herbie", from her latest album, also isn't available outside of Japan, et cetera.
P.S. #3: None of us here use Spotify so if anyone wants to make a Spotify version of this playlist, feel free to do it!