MIUSIQ needs you! (again, yes)
Hello, children! We need your help.
One year ago, we've reached out to all of our visitors and supporters to help us financially. As of today, same scenario. We need help to maintain our website's domain alongside our Wix Unlimited plan, which comes with multiple benefits such as the domain itself. Nowadays, MIUSIQ.NET is updated by one single person (hi!) so everything has become more difficult and expensive.
In 2018 we complete 10 years of music uploads and recommendations in the webz. Namie Amuro's "BEST FICTION" release, around July 2008, marks the very beginning of our homonymous LiveJournal page, which has reached around 50k registered followers at its peak around 2011 or so. All the more reasons to keep this car running.
Our yearly subscription to Wix Unlimited costs about 128 dollars (404 reais in Brazilian currency). While I could use my new credit card to subscribe to a monthly plan which is more expensive per se but wouldn't cost so much money all at once, I can't: my MacBook Air's screen is broken since August and I have been saving all my money to fix it this year. Been using it with a TV set as a external screen and it hurts my back and my head real bad. So, for now, if I were to solely use the money that I currently have, I'd rather spend it on my laptop instead of the website. That's pretty much why I'm asking for your support.
In summary, we're asking for financial contribution in order to raise about 128 dollars so that the whole website domain thing can be paid; it's expiring in February. Meanwhile, as this .NET domain is still up, I'm going to more playlists and discographies that I know will bring more visitors to the website. Hopefully, that will bring some more awareness to this post.
P.S.: "Henny, what about your Adf.ly links?" adf.ly has been paying less and less throughout recent years and I've only come to earn 20 or 30 dollars per month with our links. That's barely money to purchase files that will end up being posted here and it's barely money to maintain our Apple Music subscription. That's what Apple is all about, digital gentrification and shit. Sometimes I regret being broke while religiously persisting on iTunes libraries and Apple metadata but it's whatever.
P.S. II: I honestly wouldn't mind publishing discographies in exchange for donations but I won't be able to do that before I get my MacBook fixed. Such posts take too much time for someone who's using a small laptop alongside a huge external screen.
That's it, ladies and hennies. Does this post offend you? Do strangers asking for money in the internet upset you? Take a sit at the comment section and fight me. Let's do it.